Compare XOOM Energy Plans, and Rates and Save

  • The lowest Xoom Energy residential natural gas rate in Georgia is 69.9¢ ($0.699) per therm

Xoom Energy Natural Gas Rates

Plan Name Plan Term Price

Xoom Energy

XOOM Energy has been connecting Georgia residential natural gas customers with energy since 2017. With XOOM Energy, customers have the freedom to choose the natural gas pricing and plans that are ideal for their budget and lifestyle.

AGL Atlanta Gas Light maintains the gas lines, gas turn ons and turn offs, and meter reads.

Xoom Energy services end user residential and commercial natural gas accounts, sends bills and purchases wholesale natural gas for its customers.

XOOM Energy Ratings

The overall score for XOOM Energy is 4.28. Their best category was Operations where they earned a score of 5.00, while their worst rating came in at 3.62 in Community. More detailed information on these ratings is available on our XOOM Energy Rating Detail page.

XOOM Energy earned a Silver Award in our most recent semi-annual rating process with an overall rating of 4.28

Georgia Gas Savings's Silver Tier providers are tremendous Georgia gas companies. They all combine great customer service, lots of different plan offerings, and great communication from their companies to their customers and communities. If you select a plan from one of these providers you can be confident that you're selecting a great company with a good track record.

  • Rating Overall
  • 4.28
  • Communications
  • 3.69
  • Community
  • 3.62
  • Market Perception
  • 4.00
  • Operations
  • 5.00
  • Products
  • 4.79

Moving? How to Start Xoom Energy Service in Georgia

Moving to Georgia

If you're moving to Georgia, it's important to know that Georgia is a deregulated natural gas market. Which means you can compare, shop and order some of the lowest natural gas prices in the US. If you're moving to a deregulated area, you can use Georgia Gas Savings to compare and order an affordable rate.

You shopped for your mortgage, cellphone, internet, insurance and credit cards, and now you can shop for your Georgia gas provider. Natural gas companies compete for your business in Georgia Your natural gas is delivered by your local utility company, Atlanta Gas Light. AGL reads your meter, maintains the pipes and responds when there's a problem with your natural gas service. All you have to do is pick a plan, sign up and we'll handle the rest.

Simply enter your zip code to compare natural gas plans then select your move-in date during the checkout process. You'll receive a confirmation email and an order id to track your new service connection.

How to Read Your Xoom Energy Bill

Xoom Energy Natural Gas Bill Page 1

Xoom Energy Natural Gas Bill Page 2

  1. Bill Account Number: This area provides the number you should use when making your payment or when you speak to a XOOM Energy Georgia Customer Care Representative. This area also provides a high-level snapshot of invoice information.
  2. Account Summary: Contact Information: If you have questions regarding your bill, you can reach XOOM Energy by phone, email or online.
  3. Account Information: This section provides your invoice number and your AGLC number (the number of your account used by AGL)
  4. Total Current Charges: The amount that you now owe, after we apply any taxes, adjustments and/ or prior payments to your account.
  5. Due Date: After this date, your payment would be past due.
  6. Remittance Address: Please send payment to this address.
  7. Contact Information: If you have questions regarding your bill, you can reach XOOM Energy by phone, email or online.
  8. Payment Amount: Please enter the amount of your payment.
  9. Utility Contact Information: Name and phone number of your local utility. You should call this number in case of an emergency. Billing Period: The time period associated with your bill charges. Commodity Charge: Amount and rate of natural gas used in the billing period. Base Charge: Monthly fee to cover the administrative costs associated with your bill charges.
  10. The DDDC Factor: The DDDC Factor is a calculation done by Atlanta Gas Light Company (AGL) that indicates how much natural gas deliverability is reserved (or 'dedicated') for your home or business if Atlanta were to reach an average daily temperature of 100F (a 'design day'), making it unique to each home or business.
  11. The BTU Factor: The BTU Factor. A number which is multiplied by the volume of gas measured in MCF in order to arrive at the heating value of gas which is measured in millions of British Thermal Units (MMBTU).
  12. Billing Period: The time period associated with your bill charges.
  13. Commodity Charge: Amount and rate of natural gas used in the billing period.
  14. Base Charge: Monthly fee to cover the administrative costs associated with your bill charges.

Xoom Energy - Frequently Asked Questions

What rewards and promotions does Xoom Energy offer?

Xoom Energy Promotions

  • No enrollment fees
  • No service interruptions during the switch
  • Pricing and plans designed to fit any budget
  • XOOM Xtras free customer loyalty program 

How is Xoom Energy Rated by other agencies?

Xoom Energy is a Top Ranked provider as ranked by

2024 GeorgiaGasSavings Ratings 2024 Better Business Bureau
Bronze Award A+

How do I get the Cheapest Xoom Energy Gas Rate?

We've created a step by step guide to help you get the cheapest Xoom Energy gas rate.

There are three basic steps

  1. Understand your Xoom Energy usage
  2. Know your credit rating
  3. Understand AGL (Atlanta Gas Light) Base Charges and Fees

All XOOM Energy Plans

Atlanta Gas Light (All GA)

  • Plan Name
  • Price
  • MRC
    The 'Monthly Recurring Charge' is a fee that the provider will add to each of your bills in addition to the electricity/gas usage charges.
  • Term
  • Type
SureLock 12
$5.85 monthly recurring charge
Fixed Rate Non-Renewable
SureLock 24
$5.85 monthly recurring charge
Fixed Rate Non-Renewable
RescueLock 12
$5.85 monthly recurring charge
Fixed Rate Non-Renewable

News Articles About XOOM Energy

How Much Natural Gas Will I Use in Georgia This Month?

Posted on

Natural Gas Use Up as Temps Drop

Georgians use natural gas the most during winter. So it's no time to settle for variable rates.
Georgians use most of their natural gas for winter heating. And while variable rates can be low, winter demand makes pricing volatile. Learn now to compare the best fixed rate plans now!

Are you in penny-pinching mode this month? If so, you won’t be thrilled that January is one of the most expensive times for natural gas in Georgia. Not only are you using more natural gas to keep warm, rates are going up, too. With higher demand across the country, especially in the north, variable rates will truly skyrocket. But don’t worry, you have options to keep your natural gas bill low. First, let’s take a look at how much natural gas you will use in Georgia this month then see how much you can save!

Your Therm Use in January

According to the Public Service Commission (PSC), a typical natural gas customer in Georgia will use about 125 therms this month. This is about 20% of the average annual usage. It is also significantly more than what you are likely to use in warmer months. Keep in mind your actual usage depends on many factors like the size and efficiency of your home. However, to stay warm through cold snaps like what we have felt already this month, there’s no easy way to avoid heating your home.

On the other hand, you still have the chance to save money on the gas you use!

Comparing Natural Gas Plans

To save money on heating your home this month, your smartest move could be to lock in a cheap fixed rate. Let’s compare our best 12 month fixed rate plans with variable rates to see how much you could save.

Firstly, we have the Constellation 12 Month Home Natural Gas Plan at $0.569 per therm. When you include the PSC estimated base charge of $59.28 and the supplier customer service charge of $6.95, your January natural gas bill is about $137.36. However, with the Constellation standard variable rate (SVR), your bill would be about $177.60. That’s a difference of about $40!

Next, we have the Xoom Energy SureLock 12 plan at $0.599 per therm. With this plan, including the base charge and customer service charge of $5.85, your January natural gas bill is about $140.01. With the Xoom Energy SVR, your bill would be about $246.25. That’s a difference of over $100!

Finally, we have the Georgia Natural Gas® 12 Month Fixed plan also at $0.599 per therm. Including the base charge and customer service charge of (at least) $7.99, with this plan your January bill is about $142.15. With the Georgia Natural Gas® SVR, your bill would be about $348.64. That’s a $200 difference!!

Save Money on Gas Use with a Fixed Rate Now

After seeing the difference it makes to your January natural gas bill, you can understand why we recommend fixed rate plans in most circumstances. Although January isn’t typically the ideal time to get the cheapest fixed rate, it beats variable costs by a long shot! So, all that’s left is for you to grab the fixed rate plan that works best for you. Get yours now at

Winter is Here; Long Term Rates May Not Stay This Low

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‘Tis the Season for Long Term Gas Plans

Shop long term rates now! Winter's here but the cold hasn't come yet. Natural gas prices are still low! Learn how you can save more when you shop plans now!
'Tis the season to grab savings on long term natural gas plans. Winter's here but the cold temps aren't. So shop these plans now to lock in the cheapest rate before it's too late!

Jack Frost is a-nipping. But there is still time to snag the cheapest natural gas rate. However, you may want to be hasty about it. According to the EIA, wholesale monthly prices hit a low of $1.49 per MMBtu in March and climbed to $2.12 per MMBtu in November. So far in December, daily wholesale prices have hit high as $3.09 per MMBtu. The steady increases in wholesale prices are likely due to winter weather arriving throughout the country. Furthermore, with wholesale rates going up, long term gas rates may not stay low for too much longer.

Best Long Term Natural Gas Rates

These four long term natural gas plans have some of the best rates around. Get one now before winter rates go up!

Firstly, it’s the Constellation 24 month Home Natural Gas plan at $0.579 per therm. It’s the cheapest of the 24 month plans. There is also a $150 ETF and $7.95 monthly charge.

Secondly is the Xoom Energy SureLock 24 plan at $0.619 per therm. It has a pricier rate but has a lower monthly charge at $5.85. Make sure you don’t cancel early, or you face a $200 ETF.

Next is the Georgia Natural Gas® 24 Month Fixed plan at $0.659 per therm. Note well, this rate is a $0.10 discount for new customers only. The ETF starts at $200 in the first six months and drops by $50 each six month period. The monthly charge is $6.99-$9.99.

Finally, it’s the Gas South Fixed 24 Month plan at $0.690 per therm. Though it has the highest rate, it’s the only plan that guarantees no deposit for signing up -- which can be a big savings. Another bonus is a $5 credit for the first 10 months. There is a $150 ETF and $6.95-$9.95 monthly charge.

Wrap Up a Long Term Rate for the Holidays

Although winters in Atlanta are typically mild, a mighty cold snap that hits anywhere else in the country can affect our natural gas rates, too. It’s smart to lock in a cheap rate before winter chills and volatility take hold of natural gas prices. So, grab your long term plan today at

Zip Codes with Cheap XOOM Energy Rates