Is Now the Best Time to Shop for Natural Gas in GA?

Your Natural Gas rates are increasing. Shop for natural gas plans now.

I’m a New Mover – Can I Wait to Shop for Natural Gas?

hop now for the best natural gas plan. Energy prices are going up this summer. Find out why these deals won't wait.
Find out why you should shop for the best natural gas plans to lock in the cheapest rate now.

If you’ve just hauled over the last of your moving boxes – congratulations! But hold off on the bubbly, because you’re not done yet. You need to shop for natural gas rates – and you need to do it now! In fact, locking in a cheap energy supplier early has never been so important. That’s because power this year is already getting pricey, and it’s not slowing down. Let’s take a look at why that is. And, more importantly, let’s see what you can do about it. 

Why are Natural Gas Prices Rising?

If natural gas production is kicking into gear, why the rate increases? Well, whilst it’s good news that natural gas stores are filling up, it’s no guarantee of low prices. In fact, supply chain issues, staff shortages, and producers scooping off substantial profits have pushed prices up. On top of that, you’ve got the shockwaves we’re feeling here from skyrocketing prices in Europe. Altogether, that’s inched up rates far enough that they’re tipping over the $7.00/mmBTU mark. And that’s a hike the market hasn’t seen since back around 2007!

Should I Wait to Shop in Summer?

So does that mean Georgia customers should hold off shopping around for now? Unfortunately not! That’s because, on top of that, we’re entering into the season of summer rate hikes. And if things look expensive now, well, you haven’t seen anything yet. 

For one thing, rate increases are already in motion across most of the US. On top of this, Georgia is predicted to have a warmer-than-average summer this year. Not scorchingly hot. But certainly enough to drive up AC demand. So whatever the rates look like now, trust us, you’ll want to nab the cheapest one of ‘em.

What Plan is Best for Me This Summer?

Which brings us to the important question. What can Georgia shoppers do about it? Well, you need a fixed rate plan to protect you from potentially devastating price hikes over summer. But if better deals come onto the market in fall, you’ll want the flexibility to snap one up. This means a fixed rate 6 month plan is a good place to start! 

Now, the 89 cents per therm rate from Gas South’s Fixed 6 Month plan isn’t cheap. But it’s one of the cheapest available to shoppers right now. It’ll tide you safely over a rocky, risky summer. Plus, you can jump off of it fuss-free for a cheaper deal in fall!

Shop for Natural Gas Rates this Summer – Now!

So, in summary: there’s no time to lose! With prices rising fast, and a potentially volatile summer ahead, you want to keep your family and savings safe. Locking in the best 6 month fixed rate on the market is likely to be your best bet. And for that, we recommend giving Gas South a peek. So is now the best time to shop for natural gas? Yes, and quick – lock yourself a deal in now at!

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