Shop Cheap Shoulder Month Gas Plans in Savannah, GA

Natural gas rates are usually lowest during the spring shoulder months.That's because heating need falls and generator demand to power AC systems is also low.

Spring Means Shoulder Month Gas Savings

Shop spring shoulder month natural gas rates in Georgia now! Prices could be at their lowest for the rest of year!
Spring not only means warmer weather but also lower natural gas prices in Georgia. Shop spring shoulder rates now to save more!

Savannah, GA, say hello to spring! The sun’s a-shining and temps are rising. But don’t forget the other joy spring brings: natural gas savings! As the need for heat drops, so does your natural gas bill. Even better, lower demand across the country in spring shoulder months can also bring down natural gas rates. That makes spring a great time to shop cheap shoulder month gas plans in Savannah, GA.

Shoulder Month Gas Plans Go Head-to-Head

For your natural gas rate, remember, when you compare, you save! Check out the comps for the top 12 month gas plans for Savannah this month.

Firstly, it’s the Constellation 12 Month Home Natural Gas Plan at $0.569 per therm. This is the cheapest option for fixed rate plans.  The ETF is $150 and the monthly charge is $6.95. To get this plan, call 866-630-0685.

Secondly is the Xoom Energy SureLock 12 plan at $0.679 per therm. It has a $100 ETF and $5.85 monthly charge.

Next is the Georgia Natural Gas® 12 Month Fixed plan at $0.729 per therm. It has a sliding scale ETF, starting at $100 the first six months then dropping to $50 the final six months. The monthly charge is $7.99-$8.99.

Finally, it’s the Gas South Fixed 12 Month plan at $0.790 per therm. Although it’s pricier, you do not need a deposit and you get $50 in bill credits. The ETF is $150 and the monthly charge is $6.95-$9.95.

Know More About Shoulder Month Gas Plans

Comparing rates and charges is a great place to start shopping for a gas plan. But there’s more to know. For example, what happens at the end of a contract term? With these four plans, some details are similar, but there are key differences.

To start, Constellation sends two notices, at 60 and 25 days before expiration. If you take no action, you automatically enroll in their variable rate plan, or in some cases a fixed rate plan. If the latter, you have 90 days to cancel with no ETF.

Xoom Energy also sends two notices at the same intervals. Following no action, you automatically renew to their variable rate plan.

Georgia Natural Gas® also guarantees two notices prior to expiration but doesn’t specify schedule. Following no action, you automatically renew to their variable rate plan unless otherwise specified in your terms.

Finally, Gas South sends notice before expiration with your options for continued service.

Knowing expiration details is important to avoid paying high rates with variable plans. You also don’t want to miss the window to switch without an ETF if your contract automatically enrolls you in a fixed rate plan.

Why Switch Now?

According to the EIA, gas prices through winter were higher than expected. Additionally, it looks like storage numbers will be below average for the year. So, although natural gas rates have gone up the past three months, it is not likely things will go down much for the rest of spring. Furthermore, summer demand could push rates up more. Our recommendation is to grab a plan this spring to lock in a fixed rate. Get yours today at

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