Bad credit is something that many people have to deal with in their lives. Whether it was the result of some irresponsible spending during younger years, some bad luck, or just trying to get back on one’s feet after some tough breaks in life, many people can struggle to get basic services if their credit record isn’t spotless. Natural Gas in Georgia falls under the umbrella of basic human services that might be affected by a person’s credit.
The good news is that if you’re shopping available natural gas providers in Georgia, there are plenty of options, even for those without perfect credit. One such option is a pre-paid natural gas plan, which are becoming available in the Georgia gas market as I type. In fact, most of the major natural gas companies in Georgia offer some form of pre-paid (or pay as you go) electricity.
These plans work by allowing customers to sign up for natural gas service in Georgia without having to pay a hefty deposit. Usually, the rates are higher, and non-payment will result in the shutting off of service. However, for someone who is looking to get their lights and heat turned on, and who wants to work to establish good credit, Pre-Paid natural gas plans are a good option. And after 12 months of on-time payments and a good track record of payment, many providers will switch customers over to a normal rate plan.
Georgia has a designated “provider of last resort.” In this instance, that company is SCANA. If anyone has been turned down by a natural gas provider, they can go to SCANA Energy’s Regulated Division and find additional information to obtain natural gas. Providers of last resort are obligated to work with customers to allow them to obtain natural gas service in Georgia.