Best Tips for Energy Efficient Holiday Cookie Baking

Discover these tips to save on your Georgia gas bill but still enjoy baking holiday treats for your family.

Save Money on Holiday Baking

Baking for the holidays can raise your Georgia gas bills. We'll show you some sweet ways to reduce your use.
Whip up some yummy home treats this holiday by baking with these sweet energy-saving tips that keep your Georgia gas bill low.

Homemade cookies are some of the best gifts we can expect around the holidays. But as much as I love holiday baking and enjoying Christmas treats, I also want to keep my costs for natural gas in Georgia in check. So, we’ve whipped together tips for energy efficient holiday cookie baking with Georgia gas prices in mind. These are our best tips to keep your energy use low without sacrificing a single sweet morsel.

Baking with Efficiency

Check out our best tips for how to bake and use the least amount of energy possible. Remember, using less natural gas means a lower natural gas bill!

  1. Don’t open the oven door. This lowers temperatures in the oven quickly, which causes the oven to compensate and a longer baking time. Instead, check on your sweet treats using the oven light.
  2. Bake in the afternoon after your house is warmed up so your doughs are the right temperature and don’t turn out too dry. If you are baking anything that needs to rise before cooking, you’ll want it in a warmer room, too.
  3. While baking, lower your home’s thermostat. Your kitchen stays a few degrees warmer with the oven on. You can balance that out with a lower thermostat setting and still stay cozy!
  4. If your kitchen feels too warm, turn on your HVAC blower fan to circulate heat throughout the house.
  5. Don’t leave your pizza stone in the oven. Although the stone can help regulate oven temperatures, cookies are too delicate. Your pizza stone could disrupt the ventilation and air flow in the oven.
  6. Use glass or ceramic baking dishes when possible and lower your oven temperature setting by 25°F.

What To Bake for Efficiency

What you choose to bake also plays a major role in how much energy you use. Consider a new recipe or two to cut your energy costs.

  1. No-bake cookies are fast, easy, and rely only on the stovetop rather than oven. This makes them a more energy efficient choice. You can easily double or triple the recipe for big batch “baking”.
  2. Save energy when you frost your Christmas cookies with a recipe that requires no heat or mixer. Just add milk, extract of your choice, and coloring to powdered sugar!
  3. Swap your cookie dessert for a slow cooker recipe, like apple crisp. At a much smaller size, slow cookers use a fraction of the energy compared to ovens.

Baking in More Savings on Gas

Make your Georgia Christmas even more merry when you combine these energy savings tips with a cheap natural gas rate. Gifting yourself a new natural gas plan is fast and easy when you visit

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