Who Has the Cheapest Gas Plan Near Me?
With winter just around the corner, smart Smyrna shoppers will be chasing the cheapest gas plan to get them through. But gas prices are rising fast! And there are so many competing options! How can you keep a cool head and land a great deal for you and your loved ones? Well, you need to secure a plan that balances good price with good value. What do we mean? Let’s take a look!
Cheapest Gas Plan Price Comparison in Smyrna
First thing’s first. When you’re looking for the cheapest gas plan in Smyrna, don’t be fooled by simply picking the lowest rate. Why? Well, currently the prize for Cheapest Rate goes to Scana’s Introductory Variable Rate, offering 39.9 cents per therm. What’s the problem? You’re looking for cheap natural gas to get you through the winter! And these one-month deals don’t last. What’s more, they’ll roll you onto an eye-wateringly pricey variable rate plan afterwards. The cheapest gas plan for you is one that stays cheap. So which ones should you really be looking at?
Well, there are two things to consider when shopping around. Firstly, where can you find the cheapest gas rate? And secondly, which cheap rate will actually bring you the best value? The second point is crucial to consider this year. That’s because the markets look like they’re betting on good spring shoulder month discounts. So if you’re looking for value, you might want a natural gas plan you can easily leave come spring.
Shop Natural Gas Smart for Spring
Now, some Georgia customers will have good 6 month plans available to spit them out the other end during these shoulder months. Unfortunately, for Smyrna customers, this isn’t the case! Your cheapest 6 month gas plan comes from Gas South’s Fixed 6 Month. And their pricey 75 cent per therm rate will really sting over winter.
The better value option would be a cheap, longer term rate with a relatively low exit fee. This way, if the rate is low enough, you might not want to switch in spring. But if you do, it won’t break the bank.
Well, good news Smyrna customers! Because XOOM Energy’s SureLock 12 plan is available to shop now! The 49.9 cents per therm rate is the second cheapest on the market. The $5.85 monthly charge is hard to beat, too. Moreover, if you do find something better in Spring, early termination is a neat $100. If you think you’ll want to switch, you can start budgeting this in over winter.
Shop Cheapest Gas Plan in Smyrna Now!
So remember, finding the cheapest gas plan means balancing great rates with great value. With XOOM’s SureLock 12 you’ll land a super-cheap rate, and lock in great flexibility in case you need to switch. And finally, never forget that you can unlock even more savings by getting into some easy energy saving habits! You can always find out and shop who has the cheapest gas plan in Smyrna – and sign up now – with www.georgiagagssavings.com.