Natural Gas, Huh? You’ve Come to the Right Guy…

Atlanta. The Big A. Dogwood City… Well, it’s sure got me chasing my tail tonight. The greatest PI in Hotlanta, and this broad’s brought me the one case I can’t quite crack. Says she wants cheap natural gas. What’s new. And a stable fixed rate, says she’s settling down here for a while, 12 months or so. On a shoestring – aren’t we all, sweetheart? But what could I do. In all Atlanta she’s the sweetest peach I ever met. So here I am, pushing paper to find cheap 12 month gas plans. Look at me. This place is making me soft…
Sleuthing 12 Month Natural Gas
Scana Energy, you old dog. Not tonight. That 12 Month Fixed Rate‘s not such a steal at 69.9 cents per therm. And sure, that $5.95 monthly recurring charge is nice, but not nice enough. Plus this dame won’t like your $150 early termination fee. She wants to do better – and she can. Save your tears, buddy, it’s a tale as old as time.
Now this 12-Month Fixed Plan from Georgia Natural Gas®… I’m no mathematician, but I know when things don’t add up. That 67.9 cents per therm rate and $5.99 to $8.99 monthly charge isn’t much cheaper than the last. The $50-$100 for early termination, though, and $150 to credit exit fees from a previous provider? Now you’re speaking my language, Georgia Natural Gas®. And Greener Life ® carbon offset, free for one year. Not bad. But something tells me the only green this doll wants are the ones with Ben Franklin’s face…
Now the XOOM RescueLock 12 plan, with that 57.9 cents per therm rate, now there’s a beauty. Just $5.85 in monthly charges, and early termination on the cheap at $100. Cheap termination. That’ll prick some ears in this town, that’s for sure. And they’ll even donate 12.5% of energy charges to PetSmart charities. Seems like everyone in this doghouse is taking a cut…
Wait a second. There’s XOOM again, and what’s this. The SureLock 12 plan. SureLock, huh? Haven’t heard that name in years. I guess the schmuck cashed out at Baker Street, threw his lot in with XOOM. He always was the best… 55.9 cents per therm, $100 early termination, and just $5.85 monthly recurring. That’s a helluva deal. Looks like he’s scooped me on this broad. Won’t be the first time, either.
Case Closed on 12 Month Natural Gas
So here we are. This dame, with the 12 month gas plans and the tight budget and the legs up to here… She’s a smart cookie. She’ll go with the SureLock 12. And who can blame her… In this town, we like our energy cheaper than our thrills, and twice as hot. Maybe I’ll find a nice little energy plan of my own, start a family, settle down. I’ll take a look on Yeah. Just one more drink, though…