Gas Furnace Maintenance Equals Savings

Heating season is right around the corner. And with natural gas rates in Georgia expected to rise this winter, you’ll want to save as much as you can. So, over the next few weeks, take advantage of the milder autumn weather and do some furnace maintenance. Performing simple maintenance tasks now gets your HVAC system in peak condition before winter. Greater furnace efficiency means a lower GA gas bill. So, let’s dig into how you can check over your gas furnace and save more.
DIY Checklist for Gas Furnace Maintenance
Here is a quick checklist of things you can do easily on your own to maximize gas furnace efficiency.
Air Filter: According to Energy Star, check your filter each month and change it at least every 90 days. Dirty, clogged filters cause your furnace to work harder, which costs you more money.
Duct Work: If your ducts are full of leaks, then your furnace runs for longer to heat your house. Check exposed ductwork, such as in your basement and at your furnace, for leaks. According to the Department of Energy, duct mastic is the recommended material to seal leaks.
CO Detector: The final item on the DIY checklist is essential for natural gas safety or when you use any other fuels in your home. The CDC recommends you have CO detectors near every indoor sleeping area. If you already have CO detectors, it’s a good time to check the batteries.
Pro Checklist for Gas Furnace Maintenance
Homeowners with HVAC equipment experience can tackle these maintenance items, too. Otherwise call a local HVAC company and hire a pro.
Inspection: An annual HVAC inspection is good for the health and longevity of your system. The HVAC technician checks wiring, gas hookups, combustion, and overall function. And if something is wrong, you won’t shiver while waiting for parts. Schedule your checkup in fall to get a spot before winter kicks in.
Clean Blower: Forced air HVAC systems rely heavily on the furnace blower. Over time dust, dander, and grime build up on the blower and can really hurt the furnace’s efficiency. Your HVAC technician can remove the fan and clean it during your annual inspection.
Retrofitting: For older furnaces, retrofitting could be a great energy saving option, according to the Department of Energy. Installing vent dampers and intermittent ignition devices lowers your energy use. However, these upgrades may only be cost effective if your furnace lasts another decade.
Switch Gas Providers for More Savings
After you make your way through the list of furnace maintenance items, there’s more you can do to save money on natural gas. If you’ve been on the same natural gas plan for a while, it could be time for a change. Switch your natural gas provider to get a cheap rate today before demand goes up for winter. Compare plans in your area at