How Movers Shop And Save On Natural Gas in Atlanta, GA

Your new home can get expensive. Find out how movers and save on natural gas in Atlanta, GA! Check out the best plans that fit your lifestyle!
Don’t put off setting up your natural gas when you move! Figure out a strategy and shop in advance! Learn how taking advantage of discounts and incentives can save you money over the coming year!

How Can I Save on Natural Gas when Moving House?

Moving house in Atlanta? With all the excitement of your new digs, watch out! Unless you’re vigilant about your energy strategy going into summer, Atlanta Gas Light (AGL) customers could accidentally walk into a costly and unpredictable plan. This could do real long-term damage to your wallet because summer gas rates tend to be higher. So here are some concrete short, medium, and long term solutions to help you shop and save on natural gas.

Short Term Natural Gas Solutions

First off, fit your energy plans around your move. Check in advance when your current plan ends, and when you’ll be ready to get a new fixed contract in place. If you might have a shortfall in between – no sweat! Solve energy gaps like this with a monthly rolling plan. Many incentivise customers with ludicrous bargain rates for the first month, then jack up rates afterwards. But you can easily jump off the plan when the intro rate ends! Bag yourself some budget energy, and some breathing room, whilst you get your new home in order.

  • We recommend: SCANA Energy’s Introductory Variable Rate. It offers a 39.9 cents per therm discounted rate for one month, with no contract, no early termination fee, and just $5.95 in monthly charges. Plus, they’re well rated by our customers. 

Medium-Term Moving Tips

So you’ve got your breathing room. What next? Well, A) we’re headed into Summer, and B) it’s forecast to be especially warm. Both these things are likely to mean higher seasonal prices, and a higher chance of unpredictable and costly price spikes. This means you’ll want to avoid a variable plan this Summer like the plague. Instead, find a good fixed rate medium-term deal. This will keep you insulated from spikes and, if you want a long term contract, it’ll tide you over ‘til Summer prices settle back down. 

  • We recommend: Georgia Natural Gas®6-Month Fixed plan. 49.9 cents per therm is a good rate, and the low $50 early termination fee offers you relative flexibility for jumping ship in late Fall. 

Long-Term Planning

This is the golden goose for Atlanta movers: a bargain rate on a long term plan that’ll lock in a cheap 2021 rate for months, or even years, ahead! Cheap long-term rates are likely to be more abundant in the Fall shoulder months. So again, tide yourself over until then with a 6 month plan, and consider the kind of bonuses you’ll want from your long-term contract. 

  • We recommend: looking at Constellation – their 90 day risk-free guarantee means you can trial a plan and change your mind in the first months without incurring an exit fee. Plus, they often roll in additional utility protections, either for free, or for an additional monthly cost. 

Planning Smart for your Atlanta Move

In conclusion: shop in advance, take advantage of discounts and key incentives like major appliance protections, don’t be afraid of breaking contract or combining plans, and avoid a summer variable rate plan at all costs! Head to to capitalize on our tips for how movers shop and save on natural gas in Atlanta, GA. 

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