Why Shop Early Termination Fees Now?
Well, this past summer has been….let’s say, instructive! And with winter on the way, the high gas rate season is just getting started. So even if mild NOAA forecasts see you using less energy, you’ll still want the security of a fixed rate. But with natural gas prices expected to fall come spring, you don’t want to jump on that rate for too long! What’s the fix? Well, you’ll want to shop around for some nice low exit fees. Landing one means you can shelter under the fixed rate through winter, and then cut and run come spring without paying a hefty price for it. So let’s compare the cheapest early termination fees (ETFs), and find your winner…
Best Fixed Rates Plans with Lowest ETFs
On our shortlist of low-exit-fee contenders, the cheapest rate comes from XOOM Energy’s SureLock12 plan. It squeaks in just under the dollar mark, at 99.9 cents per therm. Yep, that really is what counts as cheap these days! The only cheaper ones out there lock you into a contract for upwards of two years – and ending that ETF will cost you a pretty pricey penny. This one, by contrast, will set you back a relatively slim $100. We say relatively, because whilst it’s low – and the rate is, well, low-ish – you can do significantly better!
The 12 Month Fixed plan from Georgia Natural Gas® comes with a steeper $1.19 per therm rate. Remember, however, to keep your eyes on that springtime shoulder rate prize! The cheapest way to get there is by locking in that low exit fee. And these guys run their exit fees on a sliding scale. This one starts at $100 for the first 6 months, but dips down to $50 afterwards. This means that if you sign up now, the ETF discount might just kick in before the shoulder month ones do.
If you don’t want to risk it, however, you can play it even safer! Georgia Natural Gas® offers an even shorter-term fixed rate than the above, with the 6 Month Fixed plan. At $1.22 per therm you’re once again paying a modest premium on the rate. But you might save a little on the $4.99 – $7.99 monthly charge. Most importantly, however, early termination is just $50!
Shop Lowest Early Termination Fees in Georgia Today!
RIght now there’s no such thing as a ‘cheap rate’. But there is such a thing as a smart strategy for getting one! Lock in a cheap(ish) fixed rate plan with a bargain exit fee – like the 6 Month Fixed plan above. Then you can slip away easily if a better rate rolls around in spring! And you can shop this, the best natural gas plan with lowest early termination fees, over at www.GeorgiaGasSavings.com today.