Shop the Best Natural Gas Rates in Georgia Now!

Prices of delivered natural gas showing summer price surge.
Don’t buy a new natural gas plan in summer!
Compare rates and shop now to lock in the lowest rates in Georgia and save money year ‘round!

When is the best time to shop for a new natural gas plan in Atlanta?

You would think summer would be the best time. After all, that’s when your natural gas bills are at their lowest because you and everyone else in the state isn’t trying to heat their homes. So, since demand is low then the price that natural gas suppliers offer should be low, too. Right?


According to a recent Atlanta Journal-Constitution feature with our analyst, Vernon Trollinger, summer is when Atlanta natural gas rates keep going up.

The price of natural gas delivered to customers RISES during the summer. And all that happens because the amount of natural gas in storage is way lower because most of it was burned for heating during the winter. Also, summer demand for natural gas is rising, particularly in southern states, because more power plants burn natural gas to power generators — which power all that air conditioning.

Plus, in the summer, gas companies need to manage price risk on the gas that they buy and sell several months in advance. That way, they can afford to buy gas supply in the summer months ahead of winter. Sometimes, natural gas providers increase their rates ($/therms) to meet their fixed costs of doing business.

—And they pass that price to YOU, their customer. But there is a way you can avoid paying those high prices.

The trick to paying the lowest price for natural gas therms in Georgia is by signing on to a fixed rate plan during the shoulder months.

What Are Natural Gas Shoulder Months?

Shoulder months are the times of the year when outside temperatures moderate between 45°F and 65°F. Houses absorb enough heat during the day so that they stay warm without running their furnaces and it’s also cool enough so that there’s not enough air conditioning being used to really push demand for electricity. Without demand, natural gas prices dip. This  happens twice a year; in late September through early November and from the end of April to early June.

—Which is right now!

Natural gas customers in Georgia who shop carefully for fixed, low rate natural gas plans can lock in a rate that will save money over the coming year. In fact, consumers who choose a fixed rate plan save hundreds of dollars over a variable rate, no-contract plan.

But to get the lowest rate possible, you have to shop for a new natural gas plan for your Georgia home now.

How Long Can I Shop for the Lowest Fixed Rate Plan?

Current natural gas rates are low and stable since temperatures in the eastern U.S. are expected to stay comfortable for the next two weeks. According to Natural Gas Intel, it’s a classic should season lull, “…the next two weeks where highs of the 70s and 80s will rule most of the country for light demand and larger than normal injections into supplies.”

But at the end of those two weeks, summer begins. And so does the Atlantic Hurricane Season. And both of these can send natural gas prices soaring.

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Summer is Coming.

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