Furnace Off but Natural Gas Bill Still High?

In addition to perks of summer like sunshine and beach trips, you can also count on lower natural gas bills. Or can you? Far and away the biggest residential gas consumer is your furnace. In Georgia, pretty much no one uses a furnace in summer. And if you have no other gas appliances, like a water heater or dryer in your home, you might go the whole summer without using a single unit of natural gas. So why is your natural gas bill so high in Georgia in summer? Let’s get to the bottom of this frequently asked question.
What’s Behind High Natural Gas Bills in Summer?
Natural gas prices are volatile. Because so many factors influence gas rates, they are hard to predict or even understand. But one concept you are sure to be familiar with is demand. The greater the demand for a commodity, the more the price goes up.
Knowing this, it makes perfect sense why natural gas prices tend to spike in winter: because everyone is using their furnace. However, it might surprise you that in the dog days of summer the demand for natural gas also hits a peak. This is because natural gas is the single most used fuel for electric generation in the U.S. So, when the nation is running its ACs at full blast, we put pressure on the natural gas market and drive up prices.
An easy way to avoid summer’s high natural gas rates is by shopping for a natural gas plan in spring. Typically, rates are at their lowest in March and April, making it a great time to lock in a cheap price with a fixed rate plan.
AGL Charges Make Natural Gas Bills Higher
If you don’t use natural gas in the summer but still owe a chunk of change each month, it is not likely due to a billing error. Whether your provider is Georgia Natural Gas®, Gas South, or anyone else, a significant portion of your monthly bill is an Atlanta Gas Light pass-through charge. This is what you pay to the natural gas utility to cover expenses related to the distribution of natural gas and is regulated by the Public Service Commission. You’ll see this charge on every bill regardless of how much natural gas you used that month.
In fact, the AGL charge is calculated annually. It’s then divided into monthly installments collected with your regular natural gas bill.
Find a Cheap Rate before Natural Gas Summer Highs
We understand it’s disappointing to keep getting bills all summer when you’re barely using natural gas. Although you need to pay your provider to avoid shutoff and other fees, you don’t have to accept high natural gas rates. Instead, lock in a cheap rate at spring lows and save all summer. Compare natural gas plans to get the best rate at https://www.georgiagassavings.com.