Compare Atlanta Gas Light Gas Rates and Save

  • The lowest residential natural gas rate in Georgia is 56.9¢ ($0.569) per therm.
  • The lowest commercial or business natural gas rate in Georgia is 60.3¢ ($0.603) per therm.

Table of Contents

Atlanta Gas Light

Atlanta Gas Light provides natural gas delivery service to approximately 1.55 million residential, commercial and industrial customers in Georgia. AGL is the largest natural gas distributor in the Southeast.

Atlanta Gas Light Service Territory

Atlanta Gas Light (AGL) Service Territory

What is The Difference Between AGL and Gas Marketers?

What does AGL Do?

Atlanta Gas Light owns, operates and maintains the natural gas pipelines and meters.

AGL operates the gas distribution system in the Atlanta Gas Light service area.
Atlanta Gas Light maintains the meters, gas lines and piplines that feed natural gas to your home. For gas leaks or any gas line related problems call AGL
AGL reads your gas meter. Abouth 30% of your bill is comprised of AGL service charges and fees

What do Gas Marketers Do?

Gas Marketers sell natural gas, start and bill for your natural gas service

You Signup for Natural Gas Service
Natural Gas Marketers provide Natural Gas Rates, Plans and Billing
Natural Gas Marketers answer your account questions and service your account.

Moving? How to Start Atlanta Gas Light Energy Service in Georgia

If you're moving to Georgia, it's important to know that Georgia is a deregulated natural gas market. Which means you can compare, shop and order some of the lowest natural gas prices in the US. If you're moving to a deregulated area, you can use Georgia Gas Savings to compare and order an affordable rate.

You shopped for your mortgage, cellphone, internet, insurance and credit cards, and now you can shop for your Georgia gas provider. Natural gas companies compete for your business in Georgia Your natural gas is delivered by your local utility company, Atlanta Gas Light. AGL reads your meter, maintains the pipes and responds when there's a problem with your natural gas service. All you have to do is pick a plan, sign up and we'll handle the rest.

Simply enter your zip code to compare natural gas plans then select your move-in date during the checkout process. You'll receive a confirmation email and an order id to track your new service connection.

Moving to Georgia

How to Read Your Natural Gas Bill In Georgia

Sample Atlanta Gas Light Natural Gas Bill
  1. Total Amount Due: The total of all your Atlanta Gas Light charges. Current charges, credits, and any remaining balances from previous Atlanta Gas Light bills. This is what you owe.
  2. Dedicated Design Day Capacity: This is the space reserved on the pipes for you on the pipeline so that you get gas service.
  3. Usage CCF: Amount of gas used.
  4. BTU Factor: Heat Energy in natural gas. You multiply this number by the CCF used to get the actual energy usage, which is the Therms.
  5. Therms: Amount of natural gas you're consuming.
  6. Natural Gas Consumption Charge: Your gas rate multiplied by the numner of therms you used.
  7. Customer Service Charge: Monthly charge which covers account maintainence and services rendered to the customer.
  8. AGL Pass-Through Charges: What Atlanta Gas Light charges for maintaining the infrastructure you use to recieve natural gas. Pipelines, meter readings, etc.

Compare AGL Rates

What Are Atlanta Gas Light Pass-Through Charges?

Atlanta Gas Light sends your distribution charges to your natural gas provider. Your provider passes through these charges to you on your monthly bill. These "pass through" charges also called a "base charge" or "AGL charge".

AGL Pass Through Charge Breakdown

Customer Charge The fixed monthly cost that pays for your home's gas connection
Ancillary Service This covers the cost of meter readings
Firm Distribution Charge* The cost for delivering gas to your home through the AGL pipe network.
Peaking Service* This covers the cost of operating AGL's storage facilities above ground on the coldest day of winter. It only applies to customers in the Valdosta, Macon, or Atlanta delivery areas.
Social responsibility fee This is a contribution that funds AGL's senior citizen discount program. You don't pay it if you receive this discount yourself.
Environmental Response Cost Charge* Your contribution towards any costs incurred by environmental clean-ups carried out by AGL gas plant sites.
Franchise Recovery Fee* This covers the fees AGL has to pay to local government if they want to put facilities and gas lines on public rights-of-way.

* NOTE -- The exact charge amounts are affected by your home's Dedicated Design Day Capacity (DDDC). [See below.]

What Are AGL Dedicated Design Day Capacity (DDDC) Charges?

Each customer's home in every city in Georgia served by AGL uses a certain amount of natural gas, with the highest demand falling on the coldest day of the year. Pumping natural gas to each home and business comes with specific costs to AGL. To pay for it, every August AGL recalculates its Dedicated Design Day Capacity (DDDC) factor for each meter within its service area. The peak usage of each home or business during the past winter is evaluated and assigned a value. Higher demand customers get a higher value; lower demand a lower value. This is the DDDC factor and it can result in higher or lower charges on your monthly bill.

The DDDC factor can be found on your monthly bill near your AGL account number.

The Dedicated Design Day Annual Capacity Charge is billed according to this schedule:

Month Percentage
January 18%
February 19%
March 15%
April 8%
May 4%
June 3%
July 3%
September 3%
October 3%
November 7%
Deceember 7%

As you can see, DDDC charges change to some degree each month. Charges are lower in summer, but a little more in winter.

According to data from the GA PSC, an average customer in 2021 with a 1.30 DDDC Factor paid about $27.50 each month in base charges from June to October.

Meanwhile, during the higher usage months, January and February, an average customer with a 1.30 DDDC Factor paid about $31.00 in January and $47 in February in base charges.

How Much of My Energy Bill is Natural Gas Consumption?

Your Atlanta Gas Light usage affects your AGL bills.

Georgia is one of the top 25 natural gas consuming states. However, more than half the gas that enters the state goes to generating electricity. In terms of residential use, up to 30% of an average home's energy usage goes to space heating. The rest is used for heating water, running clothing dryers, and cooking. Natural gas makes up 38% of energy used for home heating in Georgia.

According to the Georgia PSC estimates, the average Georgia home uses roughly 59.75 therms per month. Because wholesale natural gas rates can fluctuate monthly, the price per therm offered by natural gas providers can change, too.

The best way to cut your gas bill is to reduce your usage:

  • Seal your doors and windows against winter drafts. Not only does it keep out the cold, moist air but it also reduces the amount of mold, pollen, and other allergens getting into your home.
  • Sealing leaks in your HVAC will increase its efficiency and reduce its run time.
  • Add insulation to your attic, crawlspace, and duct work.
  • Install a programmable or smart thermostat. Programming it to set-back the temperature when you're away or inactive can improve your home's energy efficiency and help cut your electric bills.

Atlanta Gas Light also offers customer tips to help your pinpoint ways to save energy in your home.

Atlanta Gas Light Energy - Frequently Asked Questions

What rewards and promotions does Atlanta Gas Light Energy offer?

Atlanta Gas Light Energy Promotions and Rebates

  • Rebates of Up To $1,000 for a gas furnace
  • Rebates of Up To $700 for a tankless water heater
  • Rebates of Up To $200 for a gas dryer

How is Atlanta Gas Light Energy Rated by other agencies?

Atlanta Gas Light Energy is a Top Ranked provider as ranked by

The company has an A+ rating with the BBB.

2022 GeorgiaGasSavings Ratings 2024 Better Business Bureau
Bronze Award A+

How do I get the Cheapest Atlanta Gas Light Energy Gas Rate?

We've created a step by step guide to help you get the cheapest Atlanta Gas Light energy gas rate.

There are three basic steps

  1. Understand your Atlanta Gas Light Energy usage
  2. Know your credit rating
  3. Understand AGL (Atlanta Gas Light) Base Charges and Fees

Zip Codes with Cheap Atlanta Gas & Light Rates

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