Gas South - Company Information

About Gas South

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Based in Atlanta, Gas South is a locally owned and operated company currently serving over 250,000 residential, business and governmental customers throughout the state of Georgia.

Georgia Gas Savings Score:

( 4.1 / 5 )
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Gas South Customer Engagement

103   Reviews

24   Replies

Response Rate:
23.30 %

This graph ranks Price, Plans, Promotion, Order Experience, Customer Service, Billing, Account Management, Likelihood to recommend and Overall score of Gas South

103 Reviews and 24 Replies for Gas South

Rip off pricing!!! variable rate !!!! Right!!

(1 / 5)

  Never had gas service before. Within 60 days of service with GAS SOUTH will never deal with them again!! NOT Happy with the pricing Variable rate. Advertising of 55c per Them. Right!!! 1.20 therm NEXT month. 70$ to 189$. PLUS $40 in "FEES". Called to talk to them. Oh they would "lock me in" at 55c per therm but monthly "fees "would be the same ... I said CANCEL. I would rather FREEZE than pay highway robbery. This is just for HEAT for us. ( two disabled over 60 yrs old adults keeping temp at 69 degrees). The rep that I talked to could CARE LESS that we are seniors, disabled and on a fixed income.

Modern Highway men from Rome
February 19th, 2019

Billing and Account Management
Customer Service
How likely are you to recommend
Order Experience
Price, Plans and Promotions

Horrible Customer Service, charging me when i shouldnt be charged

(1 / 5)

  HORRIBLE!! I signed for a year contract and they automatically renewed me when I thought the year was over! Charged me for 4 months of gas that I didnt use! I am not paying that. Customer service was rude as can be on the phone. Never use them. Says they sent letters to my previous address and I inquired with the current tenant (who has been paying for the gas there mind you!) and she said she never received any mail for me. Scammers!

AngryCustomer from Atlanta
January 9th, 2019

Billing and Account Management
Customer Service
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Order Experience
Price, Plans and Promotions

Gas South Hates Their Customers

(1 / 5)

  After 18 years as a very good Gas South customer their "customer service" employees decide sarcastic comments and attempted intimidating comments are the best way to deal with a longtime customer for ONE late payment! Even after I promised the full balance would be paid in 4 days Gas South continued the harassing contacts. Their low customer''s rating on this website is well deserved. Should be no problem to find another gas company.

Steve from Acworth
April 6th, 2018

Billing and Account Management
Customer Service
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Order Experience
Price, Plans and Promotions

Example Bill